

velox.db is an open-source Node.js library that allows you to store data in a JSON file easily. The module is fully written in TypeScript to enhance types for JavaScript. This package has a built-in cache (using Map) to prevent latency when reading and writing files.

How it works?

Here is an example of how the library is saving your data:

"users": [
"_id": "1ef3011f-9650-6820-b7b3-c80571feaa41",
"name": "Tom",
"age": 19,
"hobbies": ["Swimming"]

Each property from the first object represents a table name, and each property's value represents records saved for the table. The _id field is a unique field and cannot be deleted or modified.

Example usage

Define a new database:

Create a new database using the class Client. You can set models in the type parameter of the class.

import { Client } from 'velox.db';

type Models = [{
table: 'users',
columns: {
_id: string,
name: string,
age: number,
hobbies: string[]

const client = new Client<Models>({
path: './path/to/the/file.json'

The field _id must be a string, other types are not supported.

Other client options:

new Client<Models>({
path: './path/to/the/file.json',
// Cache configuration
cache: {
interval: 10000 // Saves data every 10 seconds.
// JSON configuration
json: {
spaces: 4 // The required spaces when saving data (4 spaces = 1 TAB).

The method: insert

This method adds a new column to a table.

const records = [
{ name: 'Alice', age: 23, hobbies: ['Reading', 'Music'] },
{ name: 'Bob', age: 20, hobbies: ['Sports'] },
{ name: 'Tom', age: 19, hobbies: ['Swimming'] }

client.insert('users', ...records);

The method: find

This method performs filtering based on dynamic conditions (like functions for comparisons).

age: (integer) => integer > 20

The method: delete

This method deletes filtered objects from a table.

age: (integer) => integer <= 24,
name: (string) => string === 'Tom'

The method: update

This method updates data for multiple columns from a table.

name: (string) => string === 'Alice',
hobbies: (array) => array.includes('Music')
age: 24

Query options

This feature operates on an array of data and performs filtering, sorting, limiting, and skipping based on the provided options. It only exists in the following methods: find(), findFirst(), and count().

age: (integer) => integer % 2 === 0,
name: (string) => (/^[a-zA-Z]/g).test(string)
sort: {
age: -1
limit: 3,
skip: 1,
projection: ['name', 'hobbies']


  • Sorting: The sort object specifies the fields and the sort order (1 for ascending, -1 for descending).
  • Limit and Skip: The limit and skip options allow restricting the number of results and offsetting the results, respectively.
  • Projection: Refers to selecting specific fields from records to include in the results.



MIT License